Make Your Own Baby Bibs!

Here it is, the last in the trilogy..! If that sounds a little grand, it's just because I'm really pleased to have a neat little package of How To's completed!

If you've watched the other two, (my first for bunting, the second for flower fairy lights) then you'll already know that Rod always features somewhere, this time he takes on a smaller role (he was on a doggie date)...

*A little warning, this should come with a PG rating. ;)

Additional Notes for Budding Bib Makers...

You may notice I added various annotations to the video, and there's a reason for this...

Since filming this short How To video (over a year ago) I have made A LOT of bibs owing to stocking the lovely South Street Cafe with my makes...  and I've learnt a lot through the process. In fact, their supplies have sold out twice!! 
*granted they're very small supplies, but that statement stands ;) 

SEW! Instead of filming and editing all over again, I thought I'd share the bits that weren't filmed, but are worth mentioning...

  • Although you can buy oil cloth from any good haberdashers, a far more 'green' way to make these bibs is by refashioning a table cloth...
  • the stick-on Velcro dots aren't as sticky as stick-on Velcro by the metre (Velcro is the trade name for hook and loop tape by the way!). By-the-metre is also much better value for money. The only downside of using it, is you need to cut it down... meaning, pick a pair of scissors you don't hold near & dear to your heart for the job! Do NOT risk ruining your best shears (they will likely gummy-up in the process)
  • the PDF bib template will be added to this post soon, in the meantime you can just draw around an existing bib... if you have one!
  • I now use my rotary cutter and cutting mat, where I used to use scissors... MUCH QUICKER!! It could even mean you don't need to trace around the template bib first, just cut out and sew... (*Go slow at first if you're more accustomed to scissors!)
  • I don't use pins any more... I've found a way of putting the binding on top of the machine, (where the second spool of thread would go), so I can fold it in half, and apply it as the bib runs through the machine... This may take some practice, and you may need to sew slowly, but it's much better than pinning the bias binding on beforehand (which is time-consuming, AND ruins your pins!). Let me know if this needs more explaining!

Final Safety Notice!

Buttons are completely optional, and I've since stopped adding them to mine; as any Mum will tell you, 'small parts' are deemed hazardous to children under 36 months.

Sew, Finally!

I'm grateful, as ever, to Plus44Films, for their impeccable work on this shoot... if you ever need anything filming, I'm the gal to ask for a glowing reference on their behalf :)

If you'd rather read the step-by-step blog post on how to make your own, check out my bib making post from last year... I'm now off to make a long-awaited delivery of bibs to South Street!
And, as always, if you have any feedback on the video, be it the content, the crafting, or anything else, I'm pleased to hear it - good AND bad! 


  1. You mention that the oil based material can be wiped clean, could it be sterilised by a steam cleaner? Just wondered as they are in vogue.
    Also are there any issues with the button? Could a determined baby chew one off?

    1. Oh definitely, even better - I love steam cleaners, they tick all sorts of boxes (sterile, eco-friendly, cheap VS alternative methods, etc.)!
      And yes to the button... obviously there are baby garments you can buy with buttons attached, and it's down to the discretion of the Mum as to whether they think they're safe or not for Baby to wear - but as a 'manufacturer', I'm steering clear, just to be on the safe side :)
      Thanks for commenting Brian!

  2. Good for you getting you bibs into South Street Cafe!

    1. Thanks Rhowena! I'm still thrilled at that... honestly, I get so excited by saying "I'm now stocked in a shop!", it's ridiculous ;)

  3. Honestly, I have no talent in making a baby bibs. I tried to make some but it is always ended up undone. It seems like I am not belong in that field. But I appreciate those people that has a very demure talent in baby bib making. Baby bib is just a small thing but it means a lot for every mothers and their young child. I love the idea of using oil based material.

    1. If at first you don't succeed... buy them! No, not really - obviously you'd get better with practise, it's just a case of having the time and patience (and badly wanting to!). And yes, I'm pleased to say, I have found that Mums are very appreciative when I give them as gifts :) Thanks for visiting Rob!


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