Recycle Week has been and gone, what to do now..? Have a clear out!
Last week was Recycle Week here in the UK, posing a great opportunity to have
conversations about what recycling means, why it’s important – and how we can
each make small changes in our own lives, going forward...
Now it doesn't have to be anything
extreme – like moving into a tent, and only eating plants from a shared allotment! And I know it’s the kind of conversation that can make us switch off a little,
as there are no visible, instant benefits to ‘being good’. BUT! There is no
denying the feel-good factor that comes with doing positive things for our
planet. And there are SO many ways in which we can help to slow down the
massive rubbish tip that is slowly taking over Earth. It’s an overwhelming
subject that is hard to whittle down to one blog post – even if we just focus
on the fashion industry, where to start? Designers creating an endless
‘need’ for the newest trend? Cheap, throwaway fashion, that isn’t meant to last
– and needs replacing after being worn once? Instagram/celebrity culture making
every item of clothing a one-time affair...? Did you know, in the UK alone, we
throw away over 350,000 tonnes of clothes into landfill for incineration every
year, and much of it is reusable or recyclable?!
So how about we focus on clothes for now? Ignoring our
buying trends for the moment, what do you normally do at the 'other end' of the cycle, when you want to get rid
of things from your wardrobe? Is there someone you always go to, who loves
getting first dibs at your hand-me-downs..? Are you already good at bagging
things up, and making that trip to the local charity shop? Is that even
something that comes up, or do you hold onto nearly everything (like I do) knowing it
‘might come back into fashion one day’, or it will fit ‘once I’ve lost a few
pounds’..? ‘Having a clear out’ has always been difficult for me; think about
it for a minute, I’m the person who loves making something new, out of
something old – EVERYTHING has potential!
That’s a very tricky mindset to have when it comes to chucking stuff out, because it often means I’ll look at a dress and think “Well, I’ve not worn it in years – but I can see how it would make a fantastic skirt... or cushion…”. I also know, as a seamstress, that fellow crafters can be hoarders – they call it their ‘stash’, and it can get rather out of hand. Hey, I’m not judging! I’m a recovering stash-aholic myself – moving house recently has made me look at everything anew, and getting rid of things has been a tricky but important part of the process. If you’re already having regular clear-out sessions, saying 'Goodbye' to your bits and bobs, followed by a trip to the charity shop, then you can give yourself a pat on the back (or a piece of cake, that feels a bit more celebratory) – BUT there’s something that can now make your life a little easier!
I recently was contacted by the West LondonWaste Authority (who organise Swishes, and I do talks for, as I’ve mentioned before), in partnership with
to create some content around their new homecollection service. They’ve taken the pain out of going to the
charity shop to drop off bags, by creating a service where they come to you! No
paying for parking, or having to find a convenient time to pop out to drop off
your bits – Traid now comes to your house, so you can get on with all the other
important stuff you need to be doing! I think that just leads us to the burning
question, (if you’re like me, wondering how to choose what stays, and what goes
to charity…) how do you do it?!That’s a very tricky mindset to have when it comes to chucking stuff out, because it often means I’ll look at a dress and think “Well, I’ve not worn it in years – but I can see how it would make a fantastic skirt... or cushion…”. I also know, as a seamstress, that fellow crafters can be hoarders – they call it their ‘stash’, and it can get rather out of hand. Hey, I’m not judging! I’m a recovering stash-aholic myself – moving house recently has made me look at everything anew, and getting rid of things has been a tricky but important part of the process. If you’re already having regular clear-out sessions, saying 'Goodbye' to your bits and bobs, followed by a trip to the charity shop, then you can give yourself a pat on the back (or a piece of cake, that feels a bit more celebratory) – BUT there’s something that can now make your life a little easier!
I have a friend, Andrea, who once told me that she wears ALL
of her clothes; and she does it by wearing it ‘in rotation’ – if it’s at the
front of the rail, it’s time to be worn. If she ever gets to something she
doesn’t like, or won’t wear (for the next couple of days, to allow for changes
in the weather, etc) – then out it goes! I love the idea of that – but I
couldn’t get my head around how to get it to work, when my moods change – or my
tops are in another place, like the drawers. But I definitely admire her
approach, and it works for her (hope you don’t mind me sharing your secrets
Andrea!!). And, I think we all know someone who uses the ‘capsule wardrobe’
concept, and although I think that can be rather chic on other people – I know
it would bore me; I get joy from trying new styles, colours, and combinations!
It’s one of the main reasons I got into sewing, to make and find my own style.
BUT – over time, I have noticed there are things I can’t wear, that don’t suit
me, that I may have bought before, but would avoid now like the plague
(anything with a dropped waist, NOT for me – or mustard-coloured anything,
makes me look like death!).
SO – given those
personal parameters, I decided to have a clear out, and Traid were there to
help! I had a fab time filming a short video with the West London Waste
Authority – and although I had fun playing dress up, it did get me thinking
about how, and why, I buy clothes in the first place. I’m now also being a bit
more strict with the items I’m keeping, going forward. Instead of feeling bad
about getting shot of stuff that I bought on a whim, I know I’m helping to give
back; as not only do Traid resell clothes in their charity shops, they also
fund international development projects benefiting the people and places
making our clothes.
I’d love to know what your thoughts are on the video, keep
your eyes peeled, it's coming any day soon!
In the meantime, I thought I’d write a check list – a few
questions you can ask yourself when you’re having a clear out in your wardrobe,
do leave a comment if you have more suggestions, and other ingenious ways of giving your clothes a second life!!
When was the last time I wore
this item of clothing, did it make me feel happy – was I comfortable? If not,
can I change anything about this (length/fit/colour) so that I might wear it
again one day? If not – CHUCK IT IN A BAG!
If I love this item of
clothing, can I say why? Is it my wedding dress, or special occasion outfit –
can I make something else out of it? Should it be stored in a special way? Is
there someone I want to give it to, eventually? Does it give me pleasure to
look at it? If not – CHUCK IT IN A BAG!
Did I buy this ultra-violet
mohair jumper in a sale four years ago, driven by the massive drop in price,
and I’m determined to wear it at some point in the distant future – even though
the colour doesn’t suit me, and it makes me itch? CHUCK IT IN A BAG!
Being honest with myself, do
I only really wear *6 items on rotation, and everything else is just hanging
there to make me feel like I’ve got choice?! CHUCK IT IN A BAG!
Did I inherit this wardrobe
full of clothes, from someone I loved very much, and it’s too much to let go
of, ever? This is definitely something that I can relate to – but keeping one
piece, as opposed to five, is just as meaningful. And I always think we have
reminders of loved ones everywhere, in photos, in places we go to, in
conversations… clothes are just one part of that. This is not a time for me to
Thanks so much to West London Waste Authority, for asking me to get involved – and to Traid for supplying facts, figures, and feelgood factor!
Let’s finish with the fun ways you can get involved, other
than CHUCKING IT IN A BAG! If you’re based around West London, you can keep up
to date with West London Waste Authority events here
(I’ll be at the Ealing Swish in November) – or take on their *Six Items Challenge! If you live in the South
of the England, check out where Traid’s new Home Collection Service extends to here, and wherever you live, take their #Secondhandfirst pledge and let them know what percentage of
your wardrobe you commit to sourcing second-hand, rather than buying new. On
that note, head into one of their shops – and see what someone else has decided
to clear out. You may well find a brand-new designer ultra-violet mohair jumper
hanging on the rails, waiting to go to a good home…
Happy Recycling!
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